
Trade Foreign Exchange

Forex , FX all referred to Foreign Exchange Market. It is the largest market in the world with more than 5 trillion dollars traded every day. It is a non-centralized market & opens 24/5. With OTM, you can speculate the direction of the currency pairs by going ‘long’ or ‘short’ depending on whether you believe the value of the currency will rise or fall in comparison with another. if your currency rises in value against the currency it is paired with, then you make a profit if it falls, you will make a loss.

Our in-house spot aggregator and advanced order-matching technology provide our traders with access to a deep liquidity pool and ultra-fast trade execution with no dealing desk intervention so that traders can benefit from tight spreads and competitive pricing.

Average execution time < 11.06 ms
Up to 7,000 orders executed per Second
Ultra-low latency datacentre co-location

Start Trading the Financial Markets With the leaders today


At One Trading Markets, we guarantee to get the best pricing and trading conditions in the market.

Key Features

Very Tight Spreads Trading

Competitive industry spreads

Market Execution

Ultra-fast Execution with no Re-quotes

Deep Liquidity

Liquidity from Tier-1 Banks

Leveraged Trading

Leverage up to 1:500 on Major Currency pairs

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